First Visit Of The Year and I’m So Excited!

Yesterday was amazing on the allotment.  Although it is still early January it felt like spring.  With all the high winds I thought I’d better go and check my cloche as when when pinned down it has a tendency to go flying!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and the sun was out.  Even though the temperatures were said to only be topping about 8C it felt much warmer than being inside.

I did a bit of pruning of raspberries and some weeding and then just sat and enjoyed the day for a bit.

There were several other people there too, all making the best of the brief respite from the bad weather.  Although the bottom of the site was soaking wet it wasn’t too bad on my plot.

I am so excited that a new year and new planting is starting.  I have a few experiments on the go this year the carrot experiment will now have a couple of rivals in the Blackthorn experiment and possibly the Quinoa experiment.  It depends on how much space I have left as I am filling it up fast (at least in my mind, actual trees will take a bit longer).

I have decided to add a few more flowers and hopefully a wooden seat as it is starting to look like a proper garden and my own space.  My sister has some slabs too so I can finish off my centre path.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and a great year gardening.

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